If you have a uni and want babys you are probally wondering-

Q- How do i get a unicorn bred at my farm?

A- You have to breed with 2 unicorn parents NOT one.

Q- But i have 2 UNI parents and i am still not getting a UNI.
A- It is only 1 out of 5 chance you get a UNI foal! At 6:23PM (Gameplay) You have a better chance, but you have to have ALL conditions met.

Just before you have 2 unicorns's, or a unicorn mare, who just bred with another unicorn. You probably want to put on your mare UNI can twin birther.

A- Because if you do get a UNI foal you get 2 for the price of 1!!!


Q- I have two breeds of UNIs a mare and stallion but they don't breed, why?
A- Because Uni's can ONLY breed with the same Breed as each other!

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